Teeth Bleaching Trays Are the Key to a Successful Teeth Whitening Experience

By Abbie Frank

Did you know that there are two kinds of Teeth Bleaching Trays? Custom and Standard

Custom teeth bleaching trays are fitted to your teeth in a two step process. This is a clue you can use if you're unsure of the quality of the teeth whitening kit you're considering to purchase. Although not always true, the higher the quality of the tooth bleaching trays, the rest of the products and get included should also be of the same high quality. Why would a manufacturer go through the effort and expense to see that the teeth trays fit well only to use lower quality tooth whitening gels? The answer of course is that they probably wouldn't risk their reputation on lower quality materials.

Simply put, high quality white teeth kits contain a material to take an impression or mold of your teeth. This mold is then sent to a lab that actually makes the custom teeth bleaching trays. Usually, this step can be completed in about a week. and don't worry if you mess up the molding process. A quick call to any high quality company and they will send replacement material out free! The thing is that high quality companies know that if you're satisfied with the product and service, they have gained a long term customer and goodwill. If you're happy, the chances are that you will tell others about how wonderful the product is and everyone will benefit.

Custom trays are not uncomfortable because they are made to fit your mouth and teeth. These are similar to the teeth guards made for people who grind their teeth at night. A very soft material is used and it keeps the teeth whitener firmly covering your teeth for maximum effectiveness. This is the single most important element in successful teeth whitening whether at home or done through a dentist.

Many products offer thermoform type trays. These are like teeth and mouth guards found at the drugstore for high school sports. These are standard issue trays that do get the job done but are not the most comfortable to wear. These probably will not be comfortable enough for extended use for hours or overnight. Still if price is an object, the thermoform bleaching trays can successfully be used, though understand they will not be as comfortable. These type of trays may even need to be trimmed with scissors just to fit better and cover your teeth.

The bottom line is that once completed, you new whiter smile will last up to a year. Less if you are a coffee drinker or smoke but with your own teeth whitening trays, it's a simply matter to just use them once a month or so to keep your teeth looking their best. Once a month maintenance can keep your teeth and smile bright and limit the stains caused by adult foods and beverages. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abbie_Frank

Reasons Behind Teeth Whitening And Bleaching

By May Tan

There are many reasons that you want to look your best in life. Looking your best is something that can be beneficial to you in the long run. One of the ways that you can look your best is by teeth whitening and teeth bleaching. The processes of teeth whitening and teeth bleaching are going to allow you to have a better smile and be more confidant about yourself.

Why Do It?

There are many reasons to go through with teeth whitening and teeth bleaching. You might have stained teeth due to many reasons, such as years of smoking or drinking coffee. When most people were younger, they had no idea that they were eating and drinking things that were bad for their teeth. It is only recently that people have learned what things might stain their teeth, and it is recently that teeth whitening and teeth bleaching have become very popular.

The best thing to do if you are considering teeth whitening and teeth bleaching is to talk to a dentist. You can try to do these things on your own at your home, but it is often good to have an evaluation. When it comes to teeth whitening and teeth bleaching, a dentist can look at your teeth and tell you what things you are able to do so that your teeth will look more white and will appear to be healthier.

There are many reasons for teeth whitening and teeth bleaching. First of all, it is just nice to look your best. If you can do teeth whitening and teeth bleaching and get your teeth back where they are supposed to be, you are going to feel better about yourself and you are going to be more confidant and happy in your life.

It is a proven fact that by doing things like teeth whitening and teeth bleaching, people are able to achieve more self confidence and self esteem. You are going to be able to really do what needs to be done in order to look and feel your best in your life. All of these things will show, because you are going to gain confidence, which is going to mean that in reality you gain the ability to feel good about yourself. It is proven that people who feel good about themselves are going to be much more likely to do better when it comes to the ways of the world. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=May_Tan

Teeth Whitening & Bleaching - 3 Ways to Whiten Teeth

By Frank Denber

With the advances it the cosmetic dentistry industry, teeth whitening procedures have become very popular. More than 80% of all dentists offer them. Studies have shown that people with white teeth are considered to be more attractive and successful.

There are different ways of teeth whitening or bleaching procedures but not all work the same. Prices vary and the results are different as well. First of all you should know that you can only whiten teeth which got stained by age, smoking, food or drink. Gray teeth don't react well to bleaching, so do injured teeth. You also can't bleach crowns, porcelain veneers, braces or fillings.

Before you decide for a cosmetic whitening you should have your teeth professionally cleaned. Also, if you still have metal fillings, have your dentist replace them by tooth colored composite resin or porcelain materials.

The cheapest method is to get one of the many over-the-counter bleaching sets at your local drug store but don't expect too much from them. The concentration of the whitener, hydrogen peroxide, is very low. You have to use it often to see an effect and it's also not easy to apply them perfectly.

If you want a better solution then visit your cosmetic dentist. He can offer you solutions that work very well. Both are equally effective, just that one takes longer and is cheaper and the other one gives you white teeth instantly but for a higher price. Your dentist has access to much stronger whitening products like Britesmile or Zoom which can't be obtained over-the-counter. The hydrogen peroxide concentration lies between 10% and 30%. The stronger the brighter your teeth. You should consult with your dentist. Stronger is not necessarily better because when your teeth get too white then it may look very unnatural.

Your dentist has two options now. He could make a special tray for you which you use at home. You must wear it for about two hours a day for several days. The tray is custom made for your teeth and contains the bleaching gel. This costs about $300 to $400.

If you don't want to mess around with it but want an instant solution then your dentist performs a power bleaching in his praxis. This takes about one or two hours and costs up to $1000. First your gum gets protected by a gel or other kind of shield. Then he puts the bleaching gel onto your teeth and uses a special strong light, laser or ultraviolet, to increase the effect. When he is finished you are leaving the chair with teeth which are several shades lighter.

If this is still not what you are looking for, then you can go one step further. Porcelain veneers are the latest in cosmetic dentistry. They give you a movie star like smile but one veneer for just one single tooth costs as much as your whole power bleaching procedure. But you get much more from it. Veneers last up to twenty years and can also give you a complete smile makeover. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frank_Denber