Teeth Bleaching Trays Are the Key to a Successful Teeth Whitening Experience

By Abbie Frank

Did you know that there are two kinds of Teeth Bleaching Trays? Custom and Standard

Custom teeth bleaching trays are fitted to your teeth in a two step process. This is a clue you can use if you're unsure of the quality of the teeth whitening kit you're considering to purchase. Although not always true, the higher the quality of the tooth bleaching trays, the rest of the products and get included should also be of the same high quality. Why would a manufacturer go through the effort and expense to see that the teeth trays fit well only to use lower quality tooth whitening gels? The answer of course is that they probably wouldn't risk their reputation on lower quality materials.

Simply put, high quality white teeth kits contain a material to take an impression or mold of your teeth. This mold is then sent to a lab that actually makes the custom teeth bleaching trays. Usually, this step can be completed in about a week. and don't worry if you mess up the molding process. A quick call to any high quality company and they will send replacement material out free! The thing is that high quality companies know that if you're satisfied with the product and service, they have gained a long term customer and goodwill. If you're happy, the chances are that you will tell others about how wonderful the product is and everyone will benefit.

Custom trays are not uncomfortable because they are made to fit your mouth and teeth. These are similar to the teeth guards made for people who grind their teeth at night. A very soft material is used and it keeps the teeth whitener firmly covering your teeth for maximum effectiveness. This is the single most important element in successful teeth whitening whether at home or done through a dentist.

Many products offer thermoform type trays. These are like teeth and mouth guards found at the drugstore for high school sports. These are standard issue trays that do get the job done but are not the most comfortable to wear. These probably will not be comfortable enough for extended use for hours or overnight. Still if price is an object, the thermoform bleaching trays can successfully be used, though understand they will not be as comfortable. These type of trays may even need to be trimmed with scissors just to fit better and cover your teeth.

The bottom line is that once completed, you new whiter smile will last up to a year. Less if you are a coffee drinker or smoke but with your own teeth whitening trays, it's a simply matter to just use them once a month or so to keep your teeth looking their best. Once a month maintenance can keep your teeth and smile bright and limit the stains caused by adult foods and beverages. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abbie_Frank